Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First day back

So before I go on about my first day back, I've got to say that my internal teacher clock turned on about a week ago when I began waking up at 5am in the morning. It's so automatic now I anticipate it every year. I have no need for an alarm clock. I haven't needed one for several years now. I always wake up about 3-5 minutes before the alarm clock is supposed to go off. It's kinda my last reminder that school is officially about to start.

So today was our first day back and I have to say it went pretty well. Eighth graders are smart alecks, but my seventh graders seem pliable. I'm looking forward to being their sculptor this year. First days are always full of introductions, routines and procedures, and the yada yada yada. Actually that will consume my entire first week, but ok, it's my job. I've got a good team this year. I'm looking forward to working with them. The day came and went with only one student refusing to sit where I asked. Talk about power struggle it wasn't even that big of a deal. I'm not going to let it get me. I'm going to love all over that student, he/she will be sick of me loving them by the time this year is up.

My last class went back to their homeroom teacher and said they I thought I was mean. Good!! If mean means I care and that I mean what I say then so be it. I take it as a compliment. But one little person from that homeroom came up to me at the end of the day and asked if I could get her a science notebook. I thought to myself, she wants to learn, of course I replied.

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