Ok, so I'M BACK! I know I know, I've been gone a while. Yes, a ridicilously long while in blogger world but life threw me a whammy for about a year and half and I needed to focus on those issues and my two beloveds. Anyway, things are looking much better and I am truly blessed.
On another front I am terribly saddened to report that I am no longer teaching 7/8 grade science only. Long story short... I got surplussed and had to take another job in my school district. I'll be teaching 6/7 math and science, hence the blog name change. OMG! Now I have to start caring about the common core everyone has been talking my head off about. (You should hear a great big Charlie Brown ARGH!! in the background.) But I've accepted the challenge and have been reading like a mad scientist in order to get myself up to speed.
I've been reading lots of cool blogs since summer break started and have become inspired to rekindle my blogging journey. But blogging can be a bit time consuming and tedious. (Looking out my side eye I can see my friend laughing out loud.) So I'm going to make a concerted effort this next school year to blog at least once a week. I think that's fair for me and you. In addition to reading the common core feverishly I also decided I really need to improve my classroom management skills, so I'm reading for the first time, drum roll please, Fred Jones - Tools for Teaching. I can't believe this was not apart of my classroom management course in college. I have got to figure out who I need to call to demand my money back for that class, what a ripoff. Yes, I do still have a not used enough copy of Harry Wong, which I will also be rereading before school starts, but I am impressed with Mr. Jones thus far. I'm only on chapter 2 which seems like chapter 192 on a kindle but I'm chugging along with every bit of free time I get.
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